Once again this season we found a dolphin escort! Of course, we can’t guarantee that every crew will see a pod of dolphins alongside their cutter, but it’s fairly common. And pretty cool.
July 2023 Expedition Update
Here they are ladies and gentlemen. Please say hello to our July 2023 crew!
Where’s Will (Sutherland)?
(c)Myles Maillie
You can track our progress this season on MarineTraffic.com. Just sign up (it’s free) and type in Marie Claude or Yseult. Voilà !
Book your place(s) now for our summer 2022 expeditions
After two years serving as a quayside tourist attraction in St-Malo, our boats are now being refitted to sail next summer. Come join us—we only have 12 available places per expedition.
Hey—Top of the Page on Bing!
So, how many people type in these key words? Not many. Still, when people go searching for European sailing adventures for their teens, Microsoft’s algorithms think we deserve to rank right up there. And no, we didn’t pay for that. Now, if we could just get this pandemic behind us.
Spoiler Alert
It so happens that every August there is a regatta in St-Malo. People show up from all over the place to race their boats and party. Well, as it turns out, several August ELS crew members (along with some staff) participated. We're still waiting on some pics from the organizers to make a splash, but... it turns out that our two boats came in first and second in their class. One larger boat came in first in the traditional boats race, but because of its size and sail dimensions, it technically falls within a different category. So there it is. Can Will Sutherland teach sailing or what?
As soon as we get the pics, we'll post 'em. In the mean time, congratulations to our August crews!
—So Jane, what did you do this summer?
—Well, I did a little sailing in France and the English Channel and won a regatta in St-Malo. You?
X Marks The Spot
"Here's the deal: I'll get us to this little island right... here. Then you have to figure out how to get us back home."