It turns out that water, especially “blue water,” has the power to improve our mental health, sometimes dramatically. It’s why any parent should give a summer sailing experience serious consideration.

Here’s an interesting article on the subject that first appeared on the BBC website a couple of years ago.

QBE is not affiliated with or endorsed by the BBC.

Ten years after researchers first found that ‘blue spaces’ could be good for us, the concept is proving to be a powerful, practical tool for mental health.”

— Frankie Adkins and Katherine Latham

And then there’s this:


Wallace J. Nichols’ foundational book Blue Mind, published a decade ago, explains the science behind how being on or near water can improve our self-awareness, creativity, and physical and emotional health. It’s why sailing is one of the most therapeutic sports there is. Here’s the evidence that a yachting adventure should be on your teen’s summer option list. The video is 12 minutes long.

The QBE European Leadership School (ELS), known for its signature classic yachts, serves up impactful, inspiring, and centering sailing adventures for high-school students along the culturally rich coastlines of Brittany and the Channel Isles. Each camp emphasizes instruction in traditional sailing, cultural discovery, marine coastal ecology, and team-success coaching.

Our head-turning gaff-rig pilot cutters, authentically constructed by an artisan boatwright, are unmistakably “old-school chic.” Our frequent destinations are right out of a coffee-table book. And each expedition is largely organized by a (very) small international group of crew members who take ownership of practically all everyday tasks, including navigating, helping prepare meals, and taking turns at the wheel.

If you’re looking for a singular adventure this summer, one that actually can change the trajectory of young lives, find some deck shoes and join us in Saint-Malo.

The staff–to-student ratio is 1:3. Instruction is in English.

Since 2023, we’ve welcomed crew members from the UK, France, the United States, Italy, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Norway, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Turkey/Portugal, Croatia, and New Zealand. Several have told us they’re coming back next summer.


The life-elevating overnight sailing adventure for teens.

PARENTS: Send your 15–18-year old to discover the healing power of the sea and small-team camaraderie.

A QBE expedition is a truly unique experience: our remarkable classic yachts; our historic, charm-blessed sailing area; and the generous personal attention paid to each participant make for an unequaled summer adventure.
Call or e-mail us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Don’t miss out on this transformative opportunity for youngsters. For over three decades, we’ve never left our expeditioners’ lives where we’ve found them.”

All major credit cards accepted, so you can pay securely and with confidence.

life-elevating adventure • expert sailing instruction •  NEW GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES


 No sailing experience necessary | Transportation available to and from Paris airports | Safety record: Impeccable