Pick your gaff-rig sailing adventure:

Not all sailing adventures are alike. Our prices include on-board accommodations, meals, entrance fees, numerous on-shore activities in remarkable places—just about everything, not to mention the opportunity to sail extraordinary yachts effectively by yourself (with a little help from crewmates from around the world.) Too, we explore postcard coastlines during Europe’s high season, when all the amazing cultural festivals and special events are in full swing. That’s a lot! You just have to get here.


Apply today with confidence!

(After your application is approved, you can pay your fees by credit card, so you have all the financial protections afforded to card users worldwide.)


June Expedition
16th–30th June, 2025
2 weeks


(*Approximately £2,900; US$3,500.
Exchange rates fluctuate daily.)

July Expedition
2nd July–23rd July, 2025
3 weeks


(*Approximately £4,300; US$5,300.
Exchange rates fluctuate daily.)

August Expedition
30th july–20th August, ‘25
3 weeks


(*Approximately £4,300; US$5,300.
Exchange rates fluctuate daily.)


Attention high-school homeschool classes and other small groups:

A QBE Sailing adventure—It’s the ultimate autumn field trip!

In September, QBE offers bespoke sailing expeditions along spectacular French or English coastlines for small groups. Unlike our summer expeditions, which are open to teens from around the world, our September sessions are customized to meet the educational goals of specific groups. In addition to sailing instruction, we can organize day trips to historic and/or cultural sites of particular interest, as well as to special attractions too far out of the way for our summer expeditions. Wi-Fi is available in almost every port, so autumn excursions can be supplemented with classroom instruction.

After so many new experiences on the water and onshore, teens come away with greater self-confidence, expanded horizons, and the inspiration to achieve their full potential. Contact us for more information about options and pricing. (First come, first served.)